Happy half term everyone! I hope you are having a brilliant week with your young people and they are getting the well needed chance of pace from the school day. The first term has flown by so quickly and I am so proud of how your young people have adapted to life in Year R, I know we are in for such a brilliant year and am looking forward to welcoming them back to our new topic Terrific tales, where we will start with a recap of the Gruffalo and a more in depth look at the Three little pigs. You may have also noticed that your little one did not return with a book or there reading record, I have kept them and will return them on the first day back. We believe that the children need a chance of pace and that sharing a love of books in your house is more appropriate at this stage to give them the break they deserve.
Please enjoy the pictures below which feature our superhero week, with great drawings of superhero from the class. It also shows our voting for little rotters, the children working hard on the display for Christmas at Waddesdon manor; our work can be seen in the stables over Christmas and the children made the mushrooms and of course our cinema treat to end the term.
Coming up next week
How can you help at home
Reading at home! Thank you to everyone that has read with their young person over this term. Sharing a book, learning how to decode, blend and comprehend are all vital steps of development. No matter what stage of development your young person is at, spending quality time with a book will have a huge impact. In my experience, those who read little and often (3 times a week) make the most progress. Please check out the support videos for how to help your young people. During half term please share a love of reading and read to your little ones as often as they would like.
Reading support for early blending (word books) https://youtu.be/oolrNRE_Tn8
Reading support for wordless books https://youtu.be/yN3NRSE8Ayw
Finally, helping children to dress and undress, specifically when coats, jumpers and tops have turned inside out. Practice always makes permanent!
Finally, the children have settled into life in Year R so well, that we are now asking parents to drop off at the top by the play ground. Team Reception will support your young person to enter the classroom and build that independence and resilience that I see in class everyday. If you have any concerns please always come and speak to a member of Team Reception if you have any queries, questions or to pass on anything we need to know, face to face is always best. If this is not possible, then please contact the office and the team will pass on any messages.
Mr Dineen & Team Reception