Year R Weekly update – w/c 30th September

This week the children have started looking at the story stick man which has helped us to discuss different seasons, our immediate family and start to retell stories using a story board. The children, in their words, “have blown my socks off” with how well they have engaged with this story. As you look through the pictures with your little one, see if they can retell the story and know that we all have development areas and clearly mine is drawing on the whiteboard. We have also had some great drawings and mark making of what happens next to stick man, great early comprehension skills in Year R this week.

In other areas of the curriculum we have been counting with our magic counting wands, really embedding that when we count we ‘touch, move and then count an object’ but that we can also count things that we cannot touch or see, such as a drum beat. Outside we had a great outdoor exploration for sticks that can help us make stickman, brilliant balancing with bean bags on our child built, obstacle course and a trip to the park as a reward for filling up our class pom pom jar for excellent resilience, well done Year R!

Coming up next week

  • Discussing and understanding people that help in our community and family.
  • A change of day for Forest school to a Monday for Group 2
  • PE on Wednesday for all
  • Inset day on Friday 11th October

How can you help at home

As we start to discuss people that help in the community, starting to have discussions around people that help and in the family, for example doctors, police officers and vets. In maths, spotting groups of numbers such as 3 apples, 4 plates at the table, 2 socks on my feet. Number blocks is a firm favourite and a brilliant learning tool, please utilise this at home. Finally, helping children to dress and undress, specifically when coats, jumpers and tops have turned inside out. Practice always makes permanent!

Thought for thought

So many children have no idea what they have been doing at school when they are asked at the end of the day. Why not try and change your approach. A lot of research suggest that having conversations at the dinner table or at bath time and reframing the questions, triggers the memory of children in a more calming environment, instead of the second they have finished a long day at school. It also suggest that we need to model answer these questions. Maybe answering the same questions about your day then asking your child. Here are some top questions to ask:

  • Did you make anyone smile or laugh today?
  • Did anyone make you smile or laugh today?
  • What did you enjoy at school today?

Finally, please always come and speak to a member of Team Reception if you have any queries, questions or to pass on anything we need to know, face to face is always best. If this is not possible, then please contact the office and the team will pass on any messages.

Mr Dineen & Team Reception

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With the wind in our sails, we shall live ‘life in all its fullness’John 10:10