Forest School Fun

Year R have jumped into their new topic of ‘Amazing Animals’ with their usual enthusiasm this half term. We have been inspired by the story ‘The Squirrels that Squabbled’ and the athleticism of squirrels to work within teams to create our own child – sized assault course! The children worked hard to make up a challenging course testing balance, strength and coordination as they hopped, jumped, crawled and wobbled around, over, under and on the variety of obstacles on the school field…there were so many great ideas of how to use the equipment and inventive methods of moving it; some super collaboration and motivation!

We have also learned some interesting facts about hedgehogs this half term including some tricky new scientific words (nocturnal, predator and hibernation). Perseverance and fine motor skills were challenged as we created our own hedgehogs from clay. This was hard work for small hands, though we were impressed as the children focussed well on warming and shaping the clay before cutting small sections of pine needles from an old Christmas tree to represent the spines. Another lovely session, thank you Year R.

Year 2 have been learning new skills in working with wood. They have whittled hazel sticks to create forest elves, lashing twigs to attach the arms.  They have learnt about the benefits of working with willow, making the most of its flexibility to carefully weave impressive dens and strong fences.  They have also used willow to create a valentine surprise, which will hopefully be ready to bring home for the special day! 

The children have developed their skills in teamwork and collaboration to tackle the challenge of moving a golf ball from one point on the field to another, by positioning and angling guttering and tubing.  Serious determination and resilience was needed!

Year 6 have shown remarkable focus, strength and adventurous spirit, comparable to the qualities admired by the Ancient Greeks, their class topic. During the most arduous season for Forest School’s outdoor learning, the children have expanded their knowledge of the Ancient Olympic Games. Our local site provides many opportunities for training our bodies and minds – using our balance to negotiate the wet and slippery mud, carrying equipment to increase awareness of our body’s positioning and the rhythmic sounds of nature as we go out in (almost!) all weathers!

We have enjoyed the repetitive task of whittling ourselves a javelin, though competition was fierce as the children challenged one another to show off the most efficient technique back on the school field…our young warriors also battled some pretty wild weather learning to safely handle a pruning saw as we recycled an old Christmas tree, each producing a modern day take on the Greek celebration of achievement. We are still dubious whether mud-sliding was an Olympic sport, though maybe 2028’s Games may include it…this class certainly have some fine candidates for the podium.

Thank you to all the children for their positive attitude and resilience through some pretty challenging weather conditions this half term…and thank you to all the parents for providing warm and waterproof outdoor clothing, and supporting the clean-up operation!

Mrs Tuffley and Mrs Chisholm

School Games
International School Award
Investors in People
Primary Science Quality Mark - Gold Award
Healthy School
Trauma Informed and Attachment Aware School - Bronze Award 2025
With the wind in our sails, we shall live ‘life in all its fullness’John 10:10