International School Award

Brill School was first awarded British Council’s International School Award in 2008. It is awarded to schools that have shown a commitment to embedding international awareness and understanding within their school. 

According to British Council, pupils will develop:

  • an increased knowledge, awareness and tolerance about other countries, cultures and languages,
  • confidence in communicating with people from different backgrounds,
  • more skills to successfully live and work in a global and mobile society,
  • literacy skills when writing stories and letters for specifics audiences
  • a confidence with their foreign language skills.

Over the past 14 years the staff at Brill School have developed international activities across their subject areas, including collaborative work with international partner schools and opportunities to involve the wider community. International learning is firmly embedded and ensures an understanding of the wider world and our place in it as global citizens.

International learning is now included within the 9 aspects of diversity which runs as a thread throughout our curriculum and serves to enrich and give greater depth to the children’s education.

School Games
International School Award
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Trauma Informed and Attachment Aware School - Bronze Award 2025
With the wind in our sails, we shall live ‘life in all its fullness’John 10:10