SEN reviews

Miss Carman will be running SEN review meetings on Monday, 10th and Tuesday 11th Feb. This is an opportunity for you to discuss your child's individual progress and next steps. Booking is via Arbor and additional information will be sent directly to relevant parents.

Pizza Week

Students will have the opportunity to explore all things pizza! Throughout the week, children will engage in a range of fun and educational activities creatively linking pizza with our curriculum subject areas. This week promises to be an exciting and interactive way to learn, and we encourage you to join in the fun! More details […]

Yr 6 LWS Maths Club

Selected children only, please see the email from the school office if this applies to your child.

Y4 Showcase Assembly

Yr 4 Parents are invited to our Showcase Morning based on the current topic of Rivers and the Water Cycle, when the children will share what they've discovered when water moves around our planet. Join us to celebrate their creativity and hard work!

Yr 6 LWS Maths Club

Selected children only, please see the email from the school office if this applies to your child.

School Games
International School Award
Investors in People
Primary Science Quality Mark - Gold Award
Healthy School
Trauma Informed and Attachment Aware School - Bronze Award 2025
With the wind in our sails, we shall live ‘life in all its fullness’John 10:10