
Brill C of E School is an academy within Buckinghamshire and the Diocese of Oxford. The Governing Body is the admissions authority, and the authors of the admission arrangements.  This has been designed to comply with the School Admissions Code 2014 and all other relevant legislation including that on infant class sizes and equality.

The Published Admission Number for Year Reception is 30.

The School participates in Buckinghamshire’s Fair Access Protocol.

Reception Admissions

The admission arrangements for Reception (Foundation Stage) entry from 2024, plus all other in-year admissions are detailed in the documents below.  Applications for places in the Reception year for children should be made via the Buckinghamshire County Council Common Application Form (CAF), available in the Primary Guide or via the Bucks CC website.

In-Year Admissions 

The School manages its own in-year admissions. Please contact the School Office on 01844237710 in the first instance to book on to our next open day and complete an application form via this link or if you would like a paper copy, please request an application by emailing or calling on 01844237710.

Please see below the process for In-Year Admissions.

In-Year Appeals

Where an application for an in year place at the school is unsuccessful, parents have the right to appeal against the decision. (If you have been offered a place at another school then please first take the time to visit that school; you may find that it meets all your child’s needs and that you would be happy for your child to go to that school). Should you wish to challenge an unsuccessful application for a place at Brill School then you must, in the first instance, click below to complete the ‘Appeals Form’. Send the completed ‘Appeals Form’ directly to our chair of Governors, Jayne Gibson-Harris by emailing or by handing in a copy into the school office for the attention of the The Chair of Governors. (To request a printed copy please contact the school office.) 

Your appeal will then be escalated to an external and independent admissions panel led by the Oxford Diocese. 

It should be noted that, in the event of an unsuccessful appeal against non-admission, the school does not consider any further application in the same school year (1 September – 31 August), unless there has been a material change in circumstances, for example a change of address which results in a move from outside the catchment area to inside it.

You can expect to receive notification of your escalated appeal and information related to the hearing according to the following timetable.

Catchment area:  The area which includes the parishes of Brill, Dorton and Chilton, bounded as shown on the map below.  This can be viewed in more detail here.

Reception September 2025 

All applications must be made via the Local Education Authority starting primary school application form. Applications open in November 2024. The closing date for Reception is 15th January 2025.

If your child has any additional needs, please do get in contact to find out how at Brill we may be able to support your child and their needs.

National primary offer day will be in April 2025. This is for children starting primary school in September 2025.

If you’ve applied online, you will receive an email from Buckinghamshire Council.

If you’ve made a paper application and provided Buckinghamshire Council with an email address, you will receive an email.

Where an application for a Yr R place at the school is unsuccessful, please speak to Buckinghamshire Council in the first instance.

Key Dates For Children Starting School or Moving up to Junior School in September 2025

Open Mornings

Throughout the year we hold monthly open morning sessions for any in year admissions, which are a slightly shorter version of our main open morning in November, where parents can tour the school with Mrs White or a member of our Senior Leadership Team.  Please contact the school office for details of our next session.

Useful Links for Parents

Contact Details for Admissions

Moving on after 11

As a Buckinghamshire school, our pupils also have the option of entering the Bucks Secondary Transfer Test which gives them the option of a variety of local grammar schools in Buckinghamshire to choose from including;

Admissions Documents Academic Year 2025/26

School Games
International School Award
Investors in People
Primary Science Quality Mark - Gold Award
Healthy School
With the wind in our sails, we shall live ‘life in all its fullness’John 10:10