
The personal development of every child is at the heart of all that we do at Brill School. Our vision is that a Brill child should be resilient and feel secure and supported in reaching their potential, ready for the challenges of today and prepared for tomorrow. It is our vision to set them sailing, ‘with the wind in our sails,’ embrace their uniqueness, nurture creativity and encourage every child to grow and thrive. We foster a climate of attempting challenges and give our children credit for this rather than expectations of a set outcome.

Our school and golden behaviour values enrich the learning across the curriculum with an expectation of personal responsibility in our school and reflect our Christian ethos. We see our values in our children’s respect and kindness towards all members of our school community. We actively credit the children when they show our values in their behaviour and use Forest School and residential trips to provide extra opportunities to develop them.

There is a clear and spiralling progression in personal development within Brill school. In Year R (EYFS) the children are introduced to all aspects of learning; they are immersed in hands on experiences and make enormous strides in personal development.  This is built on in KS1 which offers a nurturing and rich learning environment meeting all aspects of the Brill Child. We enrich experience through our wider curriculum, PE, creative curriculum, Forest School, school trips and visitors to the school in order to expose the children to greater diversity. In KS2 there are further opportunities of week-long residential trips to adventure activity centres in the UK and France where children develop independence and are challenged to learn about taking risks safely. As they progress through the school the children have more responsibilities such as peer mentoring Reception children, helping in assemblies and the library, taking part in school and eco-council. We foster independence in learning and actively teach skills to prepare our children for life beyond Brill. We strive to equip every child to discover their potential and to seek to make a difference in their lives, relationships and the wider world.

Personal Development Overview

School Games
International School Award
Investors in People
Primary Science Quality Mark - Gold Award
Healthy School
With the wind in our sails, we shall live ‘life in all its fullness’John 10:10