Year 6 Resources

Half Termly Topics 

Year 6’s Humanities topic units for this year are: At Brill School, English, Maths and Core Skills are taught through focused daily lessons; usually in the morning. For other lessons we have in recent years moved away from narrow subject based teaching and have developed a curriculum that is imaginative, child focused and cross curricular.

Year 6’s thematic topic units for this year are:

TermTheme/topicMain focus
Autumn1 RainforestsGeography
2 The Mayan CivilisationHistory
Spring3 Protecting The EnvironmentGeography
4 The Ancient GreeksHistory
Summer5 Our World In The FutureGeography
6 The World WarsHistory

Topic Webs

Click on the topic units below for an overview document for the term’s work.

Supporting Your Child’s Learning At Home

Please read with your child at home on a regular basis. It is important to listen to them read and then discuss the story and language with your child. Ask them questions about the setting and the characters, perhaps they could predict what might happen next and check they understand the meaning of challenging vocabulary. A good place to start when looking for a new book to enjoy is our Brill School Year 6 recommended book list.

At school, your child will undertake daily Wizard Maths sessions, which seek to strengthen their times tables and arithmetic ability. Extra times tables practice at home would be hugely beneficial. There are some useful links below for you to use.

Useful Information

Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday (swimming).

Useful Websites

BBC Bitesize is great for a range of KS2 subjects, topics and skills

Topmarks is a useful website for fun consolidation of English skills

A few examples of useful websites for problem solving and Maths challenges

Times Tables practice

Keep Active


General Resources

Year 6 Curriculum

School Games
International School Award
Investors in People
Primary Science Quality Mark - Gold Award
Healthy School
With the wind in our sails, we shall live ‘life in all its fullness’John 10:10