Year 2 Resources

Half Termly Topics

At Brill School, English, Maths and Core Skills are taught through focused daily lessons; usually in the morning. For other lessons we have in recent year moved away from narrow subject based teaching and have developed a curriculum that is imaginative, child focused and cross curricular.

Year 2’s thematic topic units for this year are:

TermTheme/topicMain focus
Autumn1 SeasonsGeography
2 Bonfire Night And The Great Fire Of LondonHistory
Spring3 Journey Of FoodGeography
4 Changes to the Seaside

Topic Webs

Click on the topic units below for an overview document for the term’s work.

Supporting your child’s learning at home 

  • Reading with your child every night and discussing the story and the characters.
  • Select texts from our Year 2 recommended book list to read with your child.
  • Having the first 100 High Frequency Words and the next 200 available when your child is writing at home. 
  • Practising times tables regularly to improve recall. 

Useful Information

Our PE days are Wednesday and Tuesday (swimming).

Reading books: The children either have a colour banded reading book suited to their reading ability to read or a book from the library. Our daily Guided Reading lessons will give children the opportunity to explore a variety of texts as a class,  strengthen their core reading ability and develop specific comprehension skills. 

Pencil cases: Please do not send your children in with pencil cases. We will be providing the children with all necessary equipment while they are here. 

Spellings: We will cover the core spelling patterns from the National Curriculum as well as tricky and common use words in class. Further details on our approach to learning how to spell can be found on the school Literacy page.

Useful websites

Times Tables practice 

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play

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With the wind in our sails, we shall live ‘life in all its fullness’John 10:10