Nurturing a love of books is such an important skill for your child to learn and will bring them great pleasure for years to come. Please read to your child as much as possible, sharing a variety of book genres to broaden their understanding of different texts.
The Reader Teacher | Children’s Books | Reads, Reviews & Recommendations
Recommended Books for Year R
Supersonic Phonic Friends Parent Workshop Slides
Basic Spelling Mat
Basic 5 Spelling Mat
Zippy’s Zig Zag Handwriting Poster
Len’s Ladders Handwriting Poster 1
Phonics Terminology
Supersonic Phonic Friends Characters
Len’s Ladders Handwriting Poster 2
Curly Cal’s Handwriting Poster
Action List
Click on the YouTube link to hear the pure sounds we use in class.
Actions to accompany letter sounds
Your child will begin by practicing number bonds (e.g. 5+5, 3+7, 8+2 are all number bonds to 10), before moving on to timetables when the teacher feels they are ready or the concept of multiplication has been taught in class. Here are some helpful ways for parents to practice number bonds with their children:
Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.
Reading Guidance
Information for parents on the new Baseline assessments for children of Reception age.
A guide for parents on the new EYFS curriculum, what to expect and when.
| – Some excellent numeracy and literacy resources
CBeebies stories
ABC Playschool. Videos and games
New and improved! Try creating your own Spot story.
Books for reading together with links to K&U and in particular, natural science
These offer a great number of games, songs, stories, videos etc so it is important to know the sites well in order to support and develop children’s learning.
Nesting boxes – live streams
Many games, often recognised by children from their homes.
Games of varying quality that can be played supporting areas of learning
Free jigsaws
Nursery Rhymes, including sound files for musical accompaniment!