As the PTA (Parents Teachers Association) we form a partnership with the school to work closely together on projects to help raise money to enhance the school’s facilities and the children’s learning. We also liaise with the school about what the money raised will be spent on.

A huge amount of money is raised each year for the School through PTA events.  We currently put on a wide variety of events including Art on the Hill and Big Brill Camp, and smaller events such as the quiz, film nights and the Christmas party for the children.

Parents can also raise funds by signing up to easy fundraising, and the Vale Lottery.

Volunteers are always welcome whether joining the committee or simply helping out at events or just baking some cakes, any help is always appreciated however little it may seem.  If you wish to contact us or have an idea for an event, you can always contact us at, via our Facebook page , or come and have a chat with one of us in the playground at drop off or pick up.

Lucy Butler-Walters and Katy Eason (PTA Co-Chairs)

Upcoming Events

Film Night Tuesday 28th January. Click here to book tickets.

School Games
International School Award
Investors in People
Primary Science Quality Mark - Gold Award
Healthy School
With the wind in our sails, we shall live ‘life in all its fullness’John 10:10