Year 3 Resources

Half Termly Topics

At Brill School, English, Maths and Core Skills are taught through focused daily lessons; usually in the morning. For other lessons we have in recent years moved away from narrow subject based teaching and have developed a curriculum that is imaginative, child focused and cross curricular.

Year 3’s thematic topic units for this year are: 

TermTheme/topicMain focus
Autumn1 The Stone Age
2 Climate and Weather
Spring3 Bronze Age and Iron Age
4 Our World
Summer5 Our Local Area
6 Coasts

Topic Webs

Click on the topic units below for an overview document for the term’s work.

Supporting Your Child’s Learning At Home

Please continue to read a variety of books with your child and discuss the content, characters and their likes and dislikes of the book.

Encourage your child to read (and share with you) the texts from our Brill School Year 3 recommended book list.

Your child will take part in daily Wizard Maths sessions every day, which helps them quickly recall their times tables. Any practice of your child’s times tables at home would be a great aid to their learning.

Useful Information

Our PE days are Tuesday (swimming) and Wednesday.

Useful Websites


Number bonds and timetables practice:



Category List block is missing information

School Games
International School Award
Investors in People
Primary Science Quality Mark - Gold Award
Healthy School
With the wind in our sails, we shall live ‘life in all its fullness’John 10:10