Year 1 Resources

Topic Webs

Click on the topic units below for an overview document for the term’s work.

Supporting Your Child’s Learning At Home


Nurturing a love of books is such an important skill for your child to learn and will bring them great pleasure for years to come. Please read to your child as much as possible, sharing a variety of book genres to broaden their understanding of different texts.   

Best Books for Year 2 | Ages 6-7 | The Reader Teacher

Supersonic Phonic Friends

Click on the YouTube link below to hear the pure sounds we use in class.


Your child will begin by practicing number bonds (e.g. 5+5, 3+7, 8+2 are all number bonds to 10), before moving on to timetables when the teacher feels they are ready or the concept of multiplication has been taught in class. Here are some helpful ways for parents to practice number bonds with their children:

  • Story Problems – Create simple story problems that involve number bonds. This helps children see the practical application of their math skills.Thank you.
  • Flashcards – Create flashcards with a number on one side and its corresponding number bond on the other. This can be a quick and fun way to test recall.
  • Games – Use board games or online math games that focus on number bonds. Games make learning interactive and enjoyable.
  • Everyday Examples – Incorporate number bonds into daily activities, like counting snacks or toys. For example, if you have 10 grapes, ask, “How many more do we need to make 10 if we have 4?”
  • Number Bond Posters – Make colourful posters showing different number bonds and hang them around the house. This visual aid helps reinforce learning.
  • Use of Songs and Rhymes – Find songs or create rhymes that incorporate number bonds. Music can enhance memory retention and make learning fun.
  • Math Apps – Explore educational apps designed for practicing number bonds. Many apps offer engaging activities tailored to different skill levels. We recommend  1 minute maths (white rose) Numbots
  • Cooking Together – Involve your child in cooking, asking them to measure ingredients in parts. For instance, “We need 2 cups of flour and 3 cups of sugar. How many cups is that in total?”

Useful Information

Our PE days are Wednesday and Monday (swimming).


Reading is taught in Guided Reading sessions.  Each week your child will read with an adult in a small group with a particular focus to each session.  As well as this your child will have a reading book to take home and bring to school each day and a library book to share with you at home.  Practicing reading and sharing books at home builds confidence and really makes a difference.  

There are two main skills for successful reading, a sound phonic knowledge and quick recall of every day irregular sight words (tricky words).  Phonics will be taught on most days in differentiated groups so that your child will be able to apply phonic skills to decode unknown words.  All children will also have a few high frequency sight words each week to practice either reading or spelling.

Useful websites




School Games
International School Award
Investors in People
Primary Science Quality Mark - Gold Award
Healthy School
With the wind in our sails, we shall live ‘life in all its fullness’John 10:10