At Brill School, English, Maths and Core Skills are taught through focused daily lessons; usually in the morning. For other lessons we have in recent years moved away from narrow subject based teaching and have developed a curriculum that is imaginative, child focused and cross curricular.
Year 5’s thematic units for this year are:
Term | Theme/topic | Main focus |
Autumn | 1 The Anglo Saxons | |
2 Changes in our Local Environment: how is the UK changing? | ||
Spring | 3 The Vikings | |
4 Europe: a study of the Alpine region | ||
Summer | 5 Journeys: migration through history | |
6 Trade |
Click on the topic units below for an overview document for the term’s work.
In Year 5, we aim to develop more adventurous vocabulary and often these words will be related to the weekly spelling pattern we are looking at. The Year 5&6 high-frequency words list is available to parents and weekly spellings will be sent home on a Friday, ready for assessment the following Wednesday.
The children take part in guided reading sessions four times per week, focusing on specific reading skills. We prioritise reading in Year 5, recognising that regular reading of high-quality books will impact learning in a positive way, and bolster the children’s writing. I have a bookcase of recommended reads in the classroom, and please do encourage your child to read (and share with you) a range of texts.
The Reader Teacher | Children’s Books | Reads, Reviews & Recommendations
Recommended Books for Year 5
Weekly Maths activities are sent home on Fridays in the form of a booklet. Within the Year 5 curriculum, secure knowledge of all the times tables from x1 to x12 helps the children to learn new skills and methods of calculating. Please encourage your child to practise their times tables frequently, both by rote and by asking questions out of order. The more secure the times tables, the more confident your child will be in lessons when tackling many of the curriculum objectives for Year 5.
Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday (swimming).
Meet The Teacher
Secondary Transfer Presentation
Rock UK Residential Trip April 2025
Spelling and grammar
Touch typing
General Resources
Curriculum-Year Five