What does PE look like?


At Brill Church Of England School, we aim to encourage a lifetime love of sport and keeping fit. Within our PE and sport curriculum we aim to deliver a unique set of engaging, exciting experiences within a sporting context that serve to create an enriching experience which will equip children for their future lives.  We also aspire to build determination, passion, respect, honesty, self-belief and teamwork through this.  

These values will: 

  • Help children to understand the importance of health and well-being. 
  • Equip our children with the knowledge and understanding of how to develop and live healthy lifestyles. 
  • Provide a broad range of high-quality exciting experiences, opportunities and outcomes for all. 
  • Develop links with other schools and organisations in the community. 
  • Promote active participation and competition at all levels. 
  • Encourage children to continue their interest in fitness and sport into secondary and beyond. 
Miss Butler
Miss Butler

Head of Teaching & Learning, Senior Leadership Team


We promote, through curriculum time and extra-curricular activities, a holistic approach to Physical Education. Pupils in EYFS, KS1 and KS2 will engage in lessons of high-quality PE each week. Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 focus upon fundamental, transferable skills. Curriculum content includes ball skills and team games, gymnastic and dance activities. Lower Key Stage 2 focuses upon developing fundamental and game specific skills based within modified games, while Upper Key Stage 2 focuses upon developing tactical awareness, outwitting opponents, game play, coaching and leadership.   Units of work include a range of invasion, net/wall, and fielding and striking games, gymnastics, dance, athletics and swimming.  Having a heated outdoor swimming pool on site means that all children from Reception up to Year 6 get the chance to swim and improve their skills during the summer term. 

Children’s experiences will also be enriched through opportunities for outdoor and adventurous activities. A range of resources will be used to support progression across the curriculum. Children will become equipped with knowledge on how to have a fit and healthy lifestyle. 

Within school we provide opportunities for sports competition with our termly Intra-School House competition. All students have a chance to access friendly competition across a wide range of activities.   


Developing a positive attitude generally is not simply about celebrating sporting success and learning to lose well; but also encouraging children always to do their very best regardless of their ability; praising progress and achievement in a way that does not cause fear or upset for lack of performance or failure; and treating team mates, coaches, teachers, opponents and referees with respect. Essentially, using every opportunity to maintain and raise self-esteem all round. 

We receive funding from Primary PE and Sports Premium to spend on P.E. We used our allocation to renew and increase sports equipment, increase the amount of after school clubs provided, increase the amount of sports festivals and competitions entered and to train our staff to increase their skill base when teaching PE and sport.


Schools are required to publish how many Year 6 pupils have met the national curriculum requirements relating to swimming and water safety. This can be found in the document area.

All pupils at Brill Church Of England School learn to swim at our onsite swimming pool from Year R-Year 6. Children attend weekly swimming lessons and are taught a number of different strokes by a trained swimming teacher, giving them opportunities to become proficient swimmers throughout their time at school. 

Swimming attainment of Year 6 pupils 2023-24.

Of the children in our current year 6 cohort :

59% of children are able to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of least 25 meters.  

79% of children are able to use a range of strokes efficiently. 

79% of children are able to perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations

Stoke Mandeville School Sports Partnership

We are part of a sports partnership that offers us a wide range of competitive sport opportunities for all children.

We are entering more sports festivals and competitions than ever, giving children opportunities to compete in a wide and varied range of sporting competitions. There are different levels of competition within the partnership that we enter, allowing opportunity for all pupils to be selected for something that suits them. 

Below is a flow diagram of the schools competitive sport pathways.

Extra Curricular Clubs

After school, we offer a number of clubs which cater for all the age ranges of children within the School.

Our extra-curricular programme offers a vast range of sports and opportunities across all year groups.

Many of our extra-curricular sports clubs are held in the build up to a festival of that sport. The festivals are a brilliant way to expose children to playing competitive sport, while giving them the opportunity to represent our school and build confidence as part of a team. We enter into many different sports festivals throughout the school year across all key stages and our after school clubs help us to build the required skills and help the teams prepare to compete.


Please see below the document that demonstrates the impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium funding for academic year 2022-2023

School Games
International School Award
Investors in People
Primary Science Quality Mark - Gold Award
Healthy School
With the wind in our sails, we shall live ‘life in all its fullness’John 10:10