Author, Ruth Quayle, visited Brill School!

On Monday, we welcomed published local author Ruth Quayle to Brill for the day. All pupils, from Year R to Year 6, were lucky enough to meet and chat with her throughout the day during lively workshops, interactive library story times and special book signings. Ruth enabled the children and staff to explore her wonderful collection of stories, from the mischievous Magnificent Mabel series to the hilarious Suzie Orbit Astronaut.  Ruth also gave the children insight into her career, her inspiration and creative process. The children were fascinated to learn more about story writing, and loved sharing their own story ideas with Ruth. One session ended with a pupil asking their teacher, “Can we write a story now?” which perfectly sums up the day! Thank you Ruth, we loved it!

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With the wind in our sails, we shall live ‘life in all its fullness’John 10:10