What a fantastic and busy first week back we have had. All of the children were so excited to be back and school and soon enough had their learning heads back on and were in full swing of our routine. The children shared some of the lovely things you all got up to over half term and children asked questions to find out more information. We have been practising asking questions to find out specific questions, the children are really wowing me with some of the questions they now ask their friends!

Our new topic this term is ‘Come Outside’! We will be exploring all the different seasons, the changes we go through, the new life and what we observe outside. We will be growing lots of lovely plants and herbs, doing some fabulous cooking and making some clay sculptures.

In maths we have been looking at number sentences, and finding a composition of a whole number. The children have been amazing at this, and I have had to challenge them even further! We have been using different concrete resources to support our learning and using pictures and diagrams before tackling the abstract number sentences. Challenge – ask your children about a tens frame, and what it shows us!

In phonics we have been doing lots of fun phonics game, as we are now embedding our learnt phonics into our reading and writing. We love the active games, and we even played phonics bowling. We had a phonics fishing game set up, full of glitter, googly eyes and sea creatures, we had to fish out the different sounds and think of words with that sound in. Keep practising your sounds at home!

We have been having a big drive with rhyming, singing lots of songs and playing lots of games. Challenge your children at home to find any rhyming pairs with things they can find around the house.

We have been looking at what description is – how we can explain to someone what something looks like. We have been closing our eyes and using words which describe something using the size, what it might feel like, how it might smell and what colours we can see. We did a whole class example of a description of a winter scene, and the sentences the children came up with were amazing. I can see snowy trees, I can see a frosty lake, I can see pointy mountains. The children then applied this into their own writing and were describing a spring scene picture.

We have been looking at healthy lifestyles in PSHE and why exercise is good for us. We shared the different things that we do outside of school and the children loved talking about their hobbies. In RE we are looking at Easter, Spring, changes and looking closely at how we as people change.

We had some pretty heavy and big hail on Thursday, and we were so excited to get our wellies on and go and explore what the hail looked like and felt like! We had lots of fun playing in the hail and talked about how weather changes happen.

We have been doing some lovely observational drawings of flowers, looking at the colours of the petals and the shapes, the art work that the children have been producing is beautiful.

Outside we have been getting messy in the sand, mud kitchen and making a dinosaur lava explosion! We had great fun with this, and I think something that we will definitely be doing again.

Thank you all for a great first week back – all superstars!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Miss S😊

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Investors in People
Primary Science Quality Mark - Gold Award
Healthy School
With the wind in our sails, we shall live ‘life in all its fullness’John 10:10