Following on from our last weeks conversation, I went to the garden centre and bought some essential items the children told me that we would need to develop our garden area. The children were very pleased with the selection of seed for the plants and herbs, compost, gardening gloves and watering can. We will be starting to plant these over the next couple of weeks and will be tracking the changes over time.

This week have been exploring length, height and time within maths! We have been doing lots of practical investigations, measuring the length of different things in the classroom, ordering the sizes of different things and measuring the height of our friends. To explore time, and noticing what changes happen over a period of time, we made toast. The children LOVED this, and seeing how the colour changes the longer we leave it in the toaster, and we all decided that we didn’t want to leave it in too long for burnt toast. We used the timer and decided the perfect amount of time to allow the toast to change colour was for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. We also agreed, that the toast was yummy!

We also made jam sandwiches, thinking about sequencing, and using language like first, next and then. We also looked at what our weeks look like and what activities we have first in the week etc. We have been exploring how we measure things over a period of time, and have learnt that we have seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years. We decided that we would use different time measure for different things.

Our caterpillars arrived this week! We had a great time talking about what change we are going to see over time, and all had a good look using the magnifying glasses. We have to be careful, and monitor to see when they start to form into chrysalis.

We also looked at our very, very cute baby pictures. This was linked to our RE and maths lessons, looking at new life in Spring, baby animals and then looking at ourselves as babies.

In phonics we have been recapping phase 3 sounds, and have been doing some amazing writing!

We have been doing some amazing sculpting work with playdough, recreating flowers. I bought in different bunches of flowers, and the children have been copying what they see and making different sculptures.

The children from the rest of the school have been making creative stories for our Year R class. We have started to read through them, and are thoroughly enjoying the different characters and story lines. We are so impressed that children in our school have been authors and have written such wonderful stories.

Have a great weekend everyone, see you on Monday!

Miss S 😊

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Primary Science Quality Mark - Gold Award
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With the wind in our sails, we shall live ‘life in all its fullness’John 10:10