Well we have been absolutely in our element this week with the glorious sun deciding to pay us a visit – and we have loved being outside!

This week we have been on a journey to Space! We have been exploring planets, the solar system, the sun, rockets, asteroids and astronauts. We have loved being immersed in this Space week, and we have all learnt some amazing facts. Ask the children what their favourite fact is that they have learnt!

We started the week with an arts and crafts activity to make our own space picture – this was lots of fun as we had glitter everywhere! We also decorated planets with different pom poms for our funky finger’s activity. For our writing activity we had to write our packing list for our mission to space, this was an independent activity and we used our sound mats to support. In our construction area we were making rockets out of the different shaped blocks, we made some amazing space stations too.

On Thursday we had a visit from a professional BMXer, Mike Mullen, he spoke to the whole school about using our ‘Growth Mindset’, not being able to do something YET, and learning through ‘flearning’. Flearning is where you have to fail a few times through your process of learning to feel confident and to get better. Practice makes progress! We have been learning about resilience and how it is important to not give up, give everything a good go and use a positive mindset.

In RE we have been listening to different stories and working out what the meaning might be. This week our story was about a boy called Bilal and a butterfly. Muslims believe Allah created beautiful butterflies and lots of other beautiful animals and places. Muslims believe they should praise Allah for the beautiful world he has created. We then discussed what we think is beautiful and special.

In PE we went onto the MUGA and did some team building games. We played mother gooses golden eggs and we had to get the balls from the middle of the playground into our nests in each corner. It was lots of fun!

In maths we have finished off our shape unit and have been investigating what 2D shape faces we can find on 3D shapes. We have also been rotating shapes and sorting shapes.

I hope you all enjoy the wonderful sunshine!

Miss S 😊

School Games
International School Award
Investors in People
Primary Science Quality Mark - Gold Award
Healthy School
With the wind in our sails, we shall live ‘life in all its fullness’John 10:10