This week has been Science week, so we have been getting our Scientific heads on and carrying out various Science experiments. We did a whole class experiment, where we were investigation what would happen when we add different amounts of mentos to a bottle of full fat coke. As a class we decided the amounts of mentos that we would be adding, and came up with a prediction of what we thought what happen. We predicted that the more mentos we would add into the coke, the bigger the fizzy explosion. We carried out the experiment outside, and we discussed the health and safety things we needed to consider. We made sure that we all sat a safe distance away and we made sure that we had safety goggles on. We did a bottle at a time, so that we could see the difference in the ‘fizzy explosion’. After we completed our investigation and we saw what happened, we talked about why this happened and this is when we learnt about chemical reactions. The children were so engaged during this investigation, and I think we have a few future Scientists on our hands.

The rest of the week we did different experiments and investigations, such as lemon volcanoes, making lava lamps, marble bounce and we made bridges out of playdough and pasta. I have put a link here to take you to a video which shows some really cool investigations you can do at home – .

Through the week we have also been carrying on retelling the story of Jasper’s beanstalk and making sure that we have the right order and sequence of events. This has been challenging the children’s recall and writing skills as they have been retelling and writing independently.

In maths we have been finishing up our unit on exploring 9 and 10, and looking at the composition of these two numbers. We have been doing lots of practical activities to support this. We have been having the whole amount of 9, for example, and seeing how many ways we can sort into two bowls and then understanding that this represents a way that we can make up our whole number.

We have been working on our observational drawing skills again, and the children are really starting to produce some beautiful artwork!

In phonics and literacy, we have been looking at rhyming again and making our very own silly soup! We had lots of different pictures and we had to find the matching rhyme pairs to add into our soup. The children are really impressing me with their rhyming skills, we are going to start to write our own rhyming poems next term, so keep practising at home 🙂

We have been exploring living and non-living and thinking about what we need in order to be living. The children have been talking about growing, eating and moving. We talked about different examples and this is something that we will be building on over the next few weeks.

Thank you for a great Science week Year R!

Miss S 🙂

School Games
International School Award
Investors in People
Primary Science Quality Mark - Gold Award
Healthy School
With the wind in our sails, we shall live ‘life in all its fullness’John 10:10