This week we have been investigating the journey of food. What journey does our food go on before it gets onto our plate?

We started off looking at different farming, I told the children about how I worked on a banana farm when I lived in Australia, they loved looking at the pictures and hearing the stories about the animals on the farm and how the factory worked. As a class we decided to pick 6 countries to research and explore what food we get imported from there to our supermarkets.

We chose Australia, England, Italy, Spain, France and America. It was we looked at what foods we get from these counties such as bananas, strawberries, pasta, oranges, cheese and chocolate. It was my mission to then head to Tesco and see what I could find. On Thursday we did a food tasting and we loved looking on the map where the food had come from, the journey it had been on, the mode of transport we think it had taken and how it tastes.

This week has also been a big week for our Year R children as we have started to do some work in our new exercise books – as we are getting ready for Year 1. On a Monday we write our weekend news. This is an opportunity for the children to independently write, to tell us what they did at the weekend, and draw a picture to match. We have also started ‘Drawing Club’, which is an initiative to support creative writing and is done over the week in short bursts of independent writing, following on from teacher modelling. The outcome has been lovely, ask the children about this and they will be so excited to share!

In PSHE we have been exploring friendships, what happens when we say unkind words to people and the long-lasting affects this can have on a person. We did a practical activity and the children were then challenged to say a kind sentence to their friends. It has been lovely to see the children continue to do this – cheering each other on and celebrating their successes.

Keep up the great work Year R!

Miss S 😊

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International School Award
Investors in People
Primary Science Quality Mark - Gold Award
Healthy School
With the wind in our sails, we shall live ‘life in all its fullness’John 10:10