This week we have been exploring further into what different journeys we have been on and thinking about a journey that we have been on that is special to us. We all went round and said our special journey’s and we said things like ‘going on our bike’, ‘going to Croatia on an airplane’, ‘going on a bus to have high tea with Granny and Grandad’ and ‘going on an underground train in London’.

From our special journeys we then started to talk about what modes of transport we have all been on and we made a graph to show the most popular options, which were a car and a bike.

Amber our volunteer reader came in to visit and she bought us in some seeds from her garden centre. She planted sweet peas in a plastic pot, in a paper towel, as an experiment, and planted some outside for us to see what happens over a period of time. We had a look at the sweet peas on Friday, in the plastic pot, and they had sprout and grow! This was amazing to see and it was interesting to see the difference in the sweet peas in the plastic pot, compared to outside in the soil.

In ChIL time we made little bags for our parents, decorating them and filling them with special things that we had made. We made a bus to go on a journey and made tickets to travel.

We went to work in the travel agents that Miss Stanyer had set up and enjoyed flicking through the holiday brochures and brochures for the different days out. We made bookings, designed holidays and pretended to be different pilots and drivers.

We also went to visit the church to experience our very special prayer space. We got to see Gemma and Jenny and they created lots of different activities for us to do which helped us to feel relaxed, calm and spiritual. We discussed about how we have different emotions and sometimes these can feel really mixed up and how using a calm space and different relaxing tools, it can make us feel better over time.

Miss Stanyer bought in some different props on Tuesday – we had to guess what journey she was going on with the things in her bag. She had some sun hats, a towel, a book, a bag, sunglasses, sun-cream and a rubber donut. Joy dressed up in the outfit, and we all guessed that she was going to the beach. This was going to be our focus journey for the week.

We spoke about what happens at the seaside, what it is like and what we do there. We all shared different memories of being to the seaside and talked about how we have different seaside’s here in England and there are also different seaside’s in different countries. We explained to Jasper – who has never been to the beach or seaside before what it is like. We then started to make our creative project for the term – a seaside landscape.

In PSHE we have been looking at our family members and the roles they play in our family. Miss Stanyer showed us pictures of her two families and spoke about why they are special and what job roles they have within the family. We then shared a special person in their life and explained why they are special. We also then drew pictures of our family members 😊

In RE we have been looking at the boy who cried wolf and why it is so important to tell the truth all the time, and use one of our school values – honesty. We acted out the boy who cried wolf and we all could see and understand why we need to make sure that we tell the truth so that people believe us and help us when we need it.

We have started to plan our own dream journeys and what this would look like. We will be writing these up and drawing different pictures to match over this term to go in our whole class book. We are also being authors and writing a whole class story. We are writing a story to take Miss Stanyer on a journey. We have started to plan our where, who, what and how elements to our story and next week we will start to think of some sentences and put together our whole class write.

We have been working really hard with our phonics still – we have been doing little activities every day which support our writing and sounding out. Miss Stanyer is very impressed with our handwriting.

In maths we have been looking at adding and taking away. If I have 4 marbles to start with, then 3 more get added, how many do I now have altogether? We have been working hard with our maths this week and have been learning about the different vocabulary that we need to be using.

What an exciting second week we have had!

Have a great weekend!

Miss S 😊

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Investors in People
Primary Science Quality Mark - Gold Award
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With the wind in our sails, we shall live ‘life in all its fullness’John 10:10